Who is an employee?

I got an individual to clean around the business coming in three days per week on a casual basis. I did not give him a contract because I did not consider him an employee but a casual worker and I would pay him per hour when he worked He started making himself useful...

What are the rules governing overtime?

Now that the Christmas season has started the owner of the store where I work has changed its opening hours and now insists that we work from 9am to 7pm during the week and from 9 am to 5pm on Saturdays. We were told that the business is now recovering given COVID...

What are the Industrial Relations best practices?

Much attention has surrounded the increased industrial action taking place in Barbados and there have been many opinions expressed on the issue. Since prevention and management of these types of issues fall squarely within the scope of the HR practitioner, we thought...
Dear HR – Mandatory Vaccinations

Dear HR – Mandatory Vaccinations

Dear HR,Why can’t I insist that my employees receive the Covid 19 vaccination as a condition for remaining employed with my company? Answer: The matter of vaccination is one that causes us to look at individual rights: the rights of the employer and the rights of the...

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